Friday, May 26, 2006

It's FRIDAY!!!!!

Sweet, sweet Friday. No day of the week makes me happier than Friday. It's my weekly 'first day of spring' so to speak. I just carry a feeling an invincibility all day long. Cause no matter how bad work gets, pretty soon it's time to go home and it doesn't matter any more! And I usually get a little extra coffee to celebrate, which only fuels my joy.
But alas, there is a dark cloud hanging over this friday. I'll be driving to NYC tonight to see Hayley. Why is that a dark cloud you ask? It's the friday afternoon before memorial day weekend. That's why. So every moron and half-wit will be out there on the road with me. The MassPike will be like a zoo. The State Troopers will all be out there in jump suits walking around with metal buckets full of meat and fish. Occationally lobbing a chunk into the middle of a pack of cars to watch people pile on it. They'll have a guy in a crane dangling fish over the road to see who can do huge flipping jumps and grab it. There will be a huge block of ice in the puddle in the ditch next to the road so the Canadian motorists can jump in to keep cool. They'll also have a giant rubber ball to play with. There'll be troopers luring people out of their cars with meat just so other troopers can run in with a hose and brooms and clean out their cars without getting mauled. In the rest stops, there'll just be people climbing ropes and flinging poo at the windows.
It'll be a good time. I'll have my Cubs game on XM to keep me company, so I'll be fine. And I've got plenty of CDs in my car (didn't learn my lesson from the WRX incident, obviously).

Idiots on the Road
So apparently yesterday was 'Idiot Day' on the roads. A simple drive home on a Thursday evening became an exercise in restraint. I just got the feeling that people were sitting in their homes around 5:30, realized it was a nice day, and decided to just go for a nice leisurely drive. Just in case other people wanted to get home from work and relax. No sense making it easy on them! So I spent my drive trying to navigate around morons that need to learn basic driving skills. Not what I needed when I was tired and hungry and just wanted to get home and chill out. Oh well.

The New PC
For all that care, the PC build is still going very well. I did learn that XP cannot be loaded up on more than 1 PC. You have to register it on-line to activate it, thus killing any chance you had of sharing it. I'm sure there are ways to get around that, but why? I've come this far, why try to cheat my way out of a $100 operating system? So I've got my own x64 coming in the mail.
And I plan on completely starting over when it gets here and doing the hard-drive partitioning correctly. It's not a big deal, but it's annoying and it bothers me. Why not at least get off on the right foot.
So once the new XP-64 is loaded up, I can finish loading up the new drivers to work with my 64-bit processor. Everything works, but not at full capacity yet. There are plenty of special features that I can't access yet, as the stock drivers only work in 32-bit. But that should all be rectified shortly.

Opie and Anthony
They had a fantastic filler clip when they went to commercial today. When CBS forcing them into a frequent and long commerical break, us XM listeners get to hear outstanding clips from shows past. Today they had one where they were ragging on a guy for having really sweaty pits. A few gems, in no particular order:

-I keep waiting for him to lift his arms and see the 5 Yates children fall out. How did it feel when Andrea Parked her minivan on your chest?
-How about when Susan Smith drove right into your arm pits?
-What was Scott Peterson doing in your arm pit on Christmas Eve?
-If Jesus wanted to walk across his bed, he'd have to get Eric to lift his arms first
-There's a couple of black guys standing on his nipples waiting for the helicoptor to come and rescue them.

Priceless. I can't recommend the show enough. If you're not listening to it now, start. Give it a week and see what you think. If you don't find it horribly funny, drive out here so I can punch you in the nuts. You clearly don't have a sense of humor and need to be made the butt of jokes. I say to give it a week, as even the greatest shows ever have an off day or 2. But they do some fantastic radio in the morning. They can actually make me laugh out loud on my drive to work. And this is a point in the day where I'm still angry at my alarm clock for waking me up. I'm not a friendly person for the first couple hours I'm awake. Not that I'm friendly for the rest of the day, but that's not my point. Sober Me is not really a great person. Drunk Me is the fun guy. The sober one is just mean and vindictive and out to stick it to other people because he feels slighted by the world. Hayley feels this is a sign of alcoholism. I feel it's just being comfortable with who I am.

Okay, I'm out.

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