Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Boston Driving, Part II

Are you ready for part II? Here we go...
Boston Drivers, Part II
Okay, so last tiem we covered bad habits on the expressways. This time we're going to chat about the city driving. Which is even more retarded than the highway driving.
People here have developed an extremely annoying habit. It they're trying to make a left turn, instead of just waiting for a break in traffic like they should, they just start inching along until they physically block traffic and force people to let them go. The best part is that they get pissed at you if you don't stop and let them go. Which I NEVER do. If I have to, I will hit them before I stop. I have the right-of-way, they have to yield to me. The best part about having the right-of-way is that I don't have to stop if I don't want to. They can give me all the dirty looks they want and make me swerve well out of my way. But I'll be damned if I'm going to stop and let them in, extenuating circumstances not withstanding of course.
The better trick is when they block 1/2 the road doing it. Like when you turn left out of a parking lot. As soon as they get a break in the near lane, they just start going and assume the people in the far lane will let them in. And when they don't, they get stuck there blocking the near lane. And yes, when I see this go happen I do everything in my power to not yield to them. Why? It's the only way they'll learn. I feel bad for the people that are now getting blocked, but people need to be smart enough not to start a left turn until you're sure you can finish it. Yes, you may have to wait for awhile, but too bad. There are several places around here and back home that I just don't turn left out of because it's too tough. You either get ready for a long wait, or simply turn right and make a u-turn next chance you get. It's an inconvenience, but that's your own fault. The rest of the people on the road shouldn't pay for your impatience.
There may have been a time when the entire city complied with these unwritten rules. But that time is now gone. The influx of people from other areas of the country means that people now have to obey the rules of the road as they are written in the damn book. The way the rest of the country does it. And if people don't start figuring that out, we're going to see some pretty bad accidents.

Okay, that's enough for 1 night. I need to start closing up shop and heading off to bed. And coming up soon will be part III, talk about the immigration issue, and other fun Boston news.


Tim said...

Dude, I feel your pain. Nobody likes a cutter.

Jody said...

There's a parking lot in my town with two exits. One of them has a light, one of them does not. Whenever a person turning left uses the non-light exit, I wish them a lovely time rotting in hell before I let them out. Cripes, that's why they put in the farging light, idiot!