Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Boston Driving - 3 Part Series!!

I feel I need to get some things off of my chest about Boston driving, but it's way too much for just 1 day. Too much anger and ranting. So this will be my first multi-part series!

Part 1 - Passing on the Right
We'll start out slow. This is something I've noticed to be a very Massachusetts behavior, not the entire East Coast. New York, Connecticutt, New Hampshire, etc don't do it.
Let's say it's 9am on a sunday. You're cruising along the Mass Pike doing a comfortable 70mph in the middle lane. No one else around at all. You see a guy coming up behind you doing 75-80, also in the middle lane. Now then, there is a perfectly good left lane and he's got plenty of time to see you as he approaches. Everywhere else I've been the situation goes something like this: Other guy changes into the left lane (aka the passing lane) well before getting to you, passes you, then changes back once he's clear. It's how the system is supposed to work, and it works well.
Here's how it goes in Massachusetts: Other car comes flying up on your ass like you just popped up out of nowhere. They will then tail-gate you for awhile expecting you to get out of their way. Why? I'm still not really sure, but I'll cover my guess in part 3. They stay there long enough to make sure you know that you're really putting them out by not moving out of their way. Then they swerve into the right lane and punch it, further hammering home the point that they feel you blocked them. So not only do they not change lanes nice and early, but they then feel the need to pass on the right. It's like most people out here are afraid of the left lane. On a typical day they avoid it like the plague. Sure, when the road is jammed with traffic they'll use it, but only cause they have to if they want to speed and tail-gate.
Whenever I drive back from NYC to boston, I can pretty much tell as soon as I'm getting close to Mass. Everyone starts avoiding the left lane and driving like an idiot. Don't get me wrong, NY drivers have their own issues. But it makes more sence. They just speed and cut you off alot, but they can at least stick to proper lane usage, so their moves are fairly predictable. You can see it coming. Around Boston, you don't always know what the idiots are about to do, making it tougher to avoid.
Okay, part 1 complete. Stay tuned for for 2 and 3, coming soon.

V for Vendetta
On a lighter note, me and the GF saw "V for Vendetta" over the weekend in IMAX. Awesome. First, the IMAX thing is pretty awesome. Definately adds to a movie like this. Second, the movie was quite good. This is actually one of the rare movies that we both really liked, which is saying something. The plot is really good and avoids becoming cheesy and stupid. The acting is all very good, allowing you to really get into things and connect with the characters and the goings-on. Special effects were very tastefully done. Yes, you can have too many explosions in a movie and too many fight scenes. If things are done half-ass, they take away from a movie. But these were all very well done. Nothing over-the-top and nothing just thrown in because they could. So I highly recommend this movie to all.

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