Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Rev. Jesse Jackson

Ahhhhh, the good reverend has decided to emerge from whatever dark corner he'd been hiding in and grace us with his presence. He seems to have found a new person that is in desperate need of help. Someone who is being unjustly oppressed by The Man. Someone who just does not have the resources and/or ability to fight for themselves. Oop, my bad. He's fighting for Barry Bonds. Whose $20mil/year salary and extreme roid rage should allow him to fend off any attacker, be it physical or legal.
Barry Using Roids
For those that need a re-cap of the news, we'll start at the basics. Barry Bonds is at the center of a gigantic cluster-fuck for the MLB regarding steroid use. Everyone knows he used them. You can look at his body and know. No one at his age just suddenly puts on like 50lbs of muscle, grows 3 hat sizes, and triples their HR output from taking extra vitamins and hitting the gym. I'm sorry, it just doesn't happen. Had it been a gradual bulking up, fine. Had he not been an ego-driven media whore who was sick of being over shadowed by the likes of McGuire and Sosa, fine. Had his head not grown for no reason, fine. Had their not been a pile of evidence connecting him to the use of illegal substances from BALCO, fine. But you put all this together and you really can't ignore it. At some point you have to stop being nieve. Sure, lots of other players were juicing. Some just to make it to the Big Show from the minors, others to inflate their numbers to get a bigger contract. But it doesn't matter. If you juiced, you're guilty and need to just fess up.
Opening Day Incident
So opening day was upon us. Giants were in San Diego for their opener. Now then, there is already increased security at the game because of the Barry Bonds fiasco coming to town. Extra cops, extra searches, etc. But after the 8th inning, an 'object' was thrown on the field at Bonds. Barry called it a syringe, but it was not a medical syringe. It was a toy. With no needle to boot. There is the possibility it was the type of syringe you use for injecting flavorings into meats, which is still pretty harmless without a needle.
The Hypocracy That is Jesse
Now then, the good Reverend decides he needs to jump on the honey wagon and speak out about this. Saying that MLB and San Diego should provide even more security for Barry. Essentially, he's a special player and deserves to be protected far and away better than anyone else in the MLB. But now, last season when fans were throwing batteries at players during one game where was Jesse? Batteries from the upper deck can cause a serious injury, even end a career if they get you in the face. Did Jesse speak up? Nah, they were just regular players. How about a few years back when that father-son team jumps out of the stands and kicked the crap out of Royal's 1st-base couch Tom Gamboa? He lost partial hearing in 1 ear and was beaten pretty good. Did Jesse say a word? Nah, he's just your average old white coach. But what about the other dozen times in recent times when player-fan incidents have occurred? Surely he'd make a statement somewhere. Nope. And why not? Because he's nothing more than a media whore that just wants to get a little slice of the Bonds fiasco. It's just a fantastic opportunity to get his name out there on a uber-high profile event. Cause the American media and population aren't already giving enough attention and debate to this topic.
Pure crap.
I can't wait for the criminal trial to find Bonds guilty of knowingly buying and using illegal substances. It will be quite the happy day for me.
Okay, time to get back to watching the Cubs play like crap today. Like I said on monday, when Glendon Rusch is your #2 starter, you have a problem. Glendon should be either forever placed in the bullpen or sent to AAA. Bring up Rich Hill. At least then when Hill has a game like Glendon just had, it serves as a good learning experience. He'll gain something good from it. Today's pitching performance so far is just a waste of time. Oh well, when we win it all this year I won't even remember this game!

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