Friday, July 02, 2010

Puppy Update

I've got an afternoon Cubs game on WGN to watch and Tyler is napping happily next to me, so this seems like a good time to post an update.
We've now had the little guy for 5 weeks and things really couldn't be going any better. He's had very few accidents in the house (knock on wood), loves going to daycare, and doesn't really chew anything besides his toys. Eats and drinks well and consistently gets a great bill of health and behavior from the vet.
We've got a bell by the back door for him to ring when he wants to go out and he's actually starting to get it. He knows that when we ring the bell it's time to go out, but he hasn't quite figured out how to ring it on his own to go out. I think he's bumped it a couple times, but not enough to really ring it. But it's only been a week or so with the bell, so he's actually picking it up very quickly.
I've also started working on some basic tricks. "Sit" and "come" being the first 2 that we're doing. Tough to tell if he's really getting it or not. He usually sits when he has to be in 1 spot for a long time, and will always come running if he sees you holding a treat. But this is how it does. Keep reinforcing the words with actions and eventually it becomes a habit. Soon I can start working on trickier things like getting me beer from the fridge and getting me beer from Gordon's. I figure if I get him a little cart, I can call in an order and my credit card # and have them load him up and cart it back.
So far daycare is going great. The people and facility at Tail Waggerz really couldn't be better. And I'm not just saying that because I know Robyn is going to be reading this. He gets lots of other dogs/puppies to play with and seems to love being there. He gets excited and runs to their gate every morning. Even better, Robyn often takes videos/pictures of him playing and texts them to me. Of course, a newer yellow lab puppy, Haley, has been a bit bitey with him. I've seen enough video to know he's not innocent in the situation. He starts plenty of shit on his own. And it's all part of puppies growing up. He needs to learn how to respond to play that's too rough just as she needs to learn not to be too rough.
Hmmm...this is pretty boring. But I really don't have anything fun or exciting yet. He's just the greatest puppy of all time. Handles stairs with no problems, loves to sit and chew his toys on his own when we're busy, sleeps through the nights, and is already housebroken. Now that summer is upon us and he's getting older we'll have some opportunities for hilarity. He's getting old enough to start taking walks and I know he won't be this well behaved for long. Soon enough he'll have the size and energy to start tearing up the house. He put on 8lbs in the first 4 weeks we had him (almost double!), so at this rate he'll be 25lbs by the end of July and over 30lbs before Labor Day. Should be a handful!
Speaking of putting on weight, it's time to get little man his dinner. That's one of the few things that'll break up a nap.
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend!! Remember to shoot off plenty off fireworks!!

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