Thursday, May 07, 2009

Swine Flu; Load of Hogwash?

So it's been what, 3 weeks since the fear-mongering media first uttered swine flu? And how has their eminent world-wide pandemic turned out so far? 2 total deaths in the USA; both immunocompromised people. An infant and a woman who had just undergone a C-section. Worldwide deaths are a fraction of what we see every year during the normal flu season. Even the CDC has started to back-pedal and admit that things aren't nearly as bad as they were initially yelling about.
As Hayley can attest, I'm getting really really pissed about shit like this. Every year of so there is a new disease that's about to become the next Black Plague and Spanish Flu wrapped up in one. Bird Flu. West Nile Disease. EEE (eastern equine encephalitis). SARS. And while they weren't good, none of them came even close to living up to the hype the media gave them.
The first question that you might have is why people would over-hype this kinda stuff. The media obviously has something to gain. They realize that no one watches the news much any more so they result to blatant teasing and fear mongering to scare you into watching. "Oh dear God! A common household item could kill me tonight?! I have to tune in at 10pm to find out what it could be and if I have any!!" But now, what does the CDC have to gain by crying wolf at every turn? As you may have noticed, gov't cash. Various disease fighting groups were giving quite a lofty sum of money to help fight the upcoming pandemic. Flu vaccine companies were flooded with orders and hence money. So everyone seems to have something to gain. Except the rest of us.
I've officially started to ignore the CDC and their warnings. They've cried wolf too many times for me to pay attention. And I know that I"m not the only one. So if we ever actually run into a pandemic that does deserve our attention many people are going to be grossly unprepared. And that's what's really going to hurt us. Those of us that became desensitized and took no action are going to be great vehicles for the pathogen to spread. I truly hope that day never comes, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be inevitable. Damn shame it will be.

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