Tuesday, January 17, 2006


This post is actually going to be just shameless bragging on my part. Seems I'm actually becoming a pretty solid hockey player now, with a knack for making goals. Either scoring myself or setting up others. Case in point, 3 goals and 4 assists in the last 2 games. And earlier I had a 3-game goal streak. And our team (Boston SharpShooters) is actually getting alot better. We're winning some games, and playing well even in the ones we lose. So lots of bright spots. I doubt we'll get all the way to Toronto, but you never can tell what happens once the play-offs begin.
Oh yeah, and a big thumbs-up to the Turnpike people for opening up the exit ramp to 90W again. Sure, it's all your fault it was closed in the first-place, but at least it's back open again.
Okay, all right.

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